Joshua was having a fit yesterday when
he found out that the 2nd disc of the LotR Fellowship DVD was damaged. He
was pretty upset that the disc kept of skipping. I guess we'll have to get
a new one but in the meantime I got a copy of the R3 Troy DVD to pacify

The DVD was in widescreen and the sound's in 5.1 so it's quite ok. It did
come up with an additional disc containing features on making the film.
It's not as intensive as the additional stuff in the LotR discs but it was
pretty still quite interesting.
(Gene: Probably also saying that to justify the purchase. :P)
It's amazing how they were able to
make the whole city of troy and rebuilt it (well teh walls anyway) after a
hurricane destroyed it during mid-filming and how Achilles' combat style is
based on boxing. It's not really as spectacular as LotR but like I said,
still interesting. Now, if I can just find a copy of the

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