GENE: New X-men

had a dream last night about an old marvel rpg campaign Tim once held during the college years. it was the one with adrain (aka catalyst), catnip and other characters the circle created. it was a vivid dream, kinda like something one would see in x-men the movie 3. the premise was that the 'new x-men' were fighting the brood (if i have my knowledge(comics) skill check right, these are members of an alien race which wants to use other species as the host of their eggs).

anyways, maybe i was simply tapping on the dreaming (again) coz it seems that marvel is coming out with a new x title called NEW X-MEN: ACADEMY X 1.

maybe it's a sign to that we should get some old glamour back into the system, or maybe it's just, like any other magic, just plain coincidence. ;)

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