GENE: Role playing in 2004

As the years pass by, the guys and I have been having a harder time finding the time (and place) to play. My old gaming group haven't seen each other for a couple of years now. We keep in touch via email and such but nothing about gaming.

In the last couple of months, Tzelung Lin has been able to gather enough glamour from the group to hold a couple of adventures. A sleepover and a rented hotel room provided the chance to do such that. There was a try to hold another one at the annual beach outing but the situation (and lack of oppurtunities) just didn't allow that. It is not suprising that Tzelung Lin is simply planning to continue his campaign as a blog (you can check it out here: Redshore: Tales of the Mariner)

This past weekend, Tim offered to host another gaming session for another group, however, Cash's duties at the chantry prevented us from going. I heard they had quite a good time learning the ropes.

I myself am continuing my tinkering with the world of Rokugan via the Neverwinter gateway. Hopefully I can follow Tzelung Lin's example and set up my own blog for it.

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