MIGUEL: LOST during the Holy Week, part II

Speaking of LOST, During the Holy week, I managed to get myself sorta Lost at Tagaytay with Daniel. We went to Tagaytay yesterday to show some Japanese businessman some house and lot for sale at Crosswinds, Tagaytay. We didn't really make the sale since the Jap guy wanted a ready to live in house but it takes eight months (after first deposit) before one can be finished.

Anyways, traffic was pretty bad and we got stuck for five hours. The car was complaining for both overheat and an empty gas tank. We had to pull over to a small cafe to let the traffic subside which wasn't until around ten pm. To make matters bad, the weather turned really cold and we were's without jackets. That teach us not to work during the Holy days.
GENE: LOST during the Holy Week, part I

was able to get hold of the first eighteen (18) episodes of the TV series LOST. Great show! The combination of mystery, action and drama had me glued to the tube. It's interesting to watch the alternating scenes from flashbacks and current timeline. You get to know the characters, which have their own secrets, as well as discover what is really wrong with the island at the same time they do - umm... actually even after eighteen episodes i still don't see what's with the island. i guess i have to wait like the rest of the guys out there.
JOSHUA: Which LOST character are you?

Well, based on this website I'm more of Jack, the doctor -

"Ah, the classic codependent. You are the people love to have around in a crisis because you know what to do and how to do it. You'll get all the chicks - until the bad boy flexes his muscle."
GENE: Which Fantasy/Sci?Fi Character are You?

Hey Rico! Guess you have more than one thing in common with Jean-Luc. He he he!!

An accomplished diplomat who can virtually do no wrong, you sometimes know it is best to rely on the council of others while holding the reins.

There are some words which I have known since I was a schoolboy. "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." These words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie -- as a wisdom, and warning. The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?