RICO: VCD Madness

Got an email from Tzelung Lin's tribe a month or so ago regarding a
possible source of tv shows ripped on vcd format. Haven't really thought
much about it due to both my busy schedule and budget constraints. I did
ask Zak to forward it to some of the other tribes knowing they are likewise
looking for some titles found in the list. I heard from Johan's tribe over
the weekend and he said that the source is reliable. I thought I sgould at
least check it out. Well, to make the story short, in the last couple of
days, copies of the list have been circulating around the workplace and
numerous orders have been made.

It was interesting to note that with the low price of the source, Rage,
sold his VCDs one had to wonder just how much mark-up he placed on it and
by then how much profit he gets. Zak couldn't help but try to do the math
and always ends up with a very minimal amount of profit per disc. Too
small to consider if it's really per disc. However, put in the mix the
number of order he gets, that small profit really grows up and the fast
turnover of money. Ying Tzi added that this might just be how the Chinese
people do their business. Honestly, I'm still having a hard time trying to
figure out exactly how that works. Maybe, I'll devote one of my research
times just trying to figure out that mystery. For now, It's back to the
list.... hmmm... farscape seasons one to four... hmmm....

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